Some years have passed and change has been evident every day. Whether we like it or not, we are now living in a place full of material things. Money has become the center of everything. It became the sole reason to survive the chaotic world. We cannot blame ourselves because movies show us the luxury that each person wants to grab someday. Actors, celebrities and politicians became the epitome of fame and power. Eventually, envy and jealousy rose to people's inner souls. Hoping that someday, they will also taste the sweetness of being served and doing anything they want without difficulty. They forgot about the true meaning of life. Love, compassion, generosity, honesty, and some other intangible things have been lost. These things were not the source of motivation of people anymore. Relationships were no longer true, trusts have been broken, all because of financial matters. Knowing all these things has been very frustrating. No matter how much we try to deny it, it is still the truth and YES, the truth hurts.
Nonetheless, I still think that the most important things here on earth are those that are not seen by the naked eye but those that are felt by our precious hearts.
I just hope that the future generations will soon realize this major loss. May they serve as the light from the darkness that we have made. I hope that the change this time won't be another dissatisfaction but a triumph to everyone's hearts.