Wednesday, December 2, 2015

10 incredible Engineers in history

Engineers are highly respected in the different countries because of their witty personalities, unbelievable knowledge on the different fields of engineering, and skills on the different aspects of mathematics and science.  Some engineers have made exceptional performances, studies and inventions before, which then made each human kind work in a better way in this day and age.  Listed below are some remarkable personalities in the Engineering profession.

1. Alan Turing
A person who majored engineering, computer scientist, logics, and biology.    Turing made an exceptional contribution in the computer industry.  Alan Turing played a major role on the different functions of computers nowadays, because of his development on the binary architecture which is widely used by all of the computers at this point of time.

2. Nicolaus Otto
Nicolaus Otto is an important person when it comes to engineering because of his famous gas motor engine invention.  This made a significant basis for the different automobiles and engines these days.

3. James Watt
James Watt is a known mechanical engineer and inventor of the steam engine which was used during the Industrial Revolution.

4. Hero of Alexandria

Hero of Alexandria is a Greek engineer, inventor and mathematician.   Hero of Alexandria developed several inventions that have been very useful during his time. Some of these inventions include steam-powered devices, fire engines, and a surveying device.

5. Henry Ford
Ford Motors Inc., is a famous car company at the moment and the founder of this automobile company is no other than Henry Ford.  Ford is one of the pioneers of the car industry because of his great contributions in this field.

6. Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was like a modern person in his time because of his far-advanced studies like the parachutes, helicopter, hand gliders, and submarines.  Da Vinci’s works have made a significant contribution to other inventors because of his intelligence and vision.

7. Archimedes of Syracuse
Archimedes had some mathematical contributions on the engineering sector.   He made noteworthy inventions such as levers and hyrdrostatics.    Archimedes’ screw is also one of Archimedes’ famous works.

8. The Wright Brothers (Wilbur and Oliver Wright)
Wilbur and Oliver Wright are siblings who also made major contributions in history.  These brothers are both engineers and inventors.  People nowadays are very thankful for these brothers’ studies and invention about airplanes.

9. Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla is an electrical engineer, physicist, and an inventor.    Tesla is known for his inventions which are very useful in the health industry.  The X-ray experimentation that Nikola Tesla was astonishing.

10. Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell is a famous name in the engineering field because of his studies on telephone.  In return, the studies became a basis for other investors to create better a telephone.

These are just some of the famous people engineers in the history.  These engineers made vital contributions in the history and in this century.  The inventions and studies of these people have become a foundation for the different things that we have now like the aircrafts, cars, cellular phones, and some other things that you can name.

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